Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answer Key Topic 5 Classify and Count Data

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Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answers Key Topic 5 Classify and Count Data

Essential Question:
How can classifying data help answer questions?

Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answer Key Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 1

enVision STEM Project: Sorting Animals
Directions Read the character speech bubbles to students. Find Out! Have students find out about animals that can be organized by color. Say: Talk to friends and relatives about animals. Talk about how an animal can be one color, but another of the same animal can be a different color. Journal: Make a Poster Have students make a poster. Have them choose one animal they learned about, and then draw a group of 6-10 animals. Ask them to color the animals using two different colors, and then write the numbers to tell how many of each color.

Review What You Know

Directions Have students: 1 draw a circle around the group with 10 bugs; 2 draw a circle around the group that has a number of birds that is less than 5; 3 draw a circle around the group that has a number of birds that is greater than 5; 4 – 6 count the frogs or bugs in each group, and then write the number to tell how many.

Question 1.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answer Key Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 2

Question 2.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answer Key Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 3

Question 3.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answer Key Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 4

Question 4.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answer Key Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 5

Question 5.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answer Key Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 6

Question 6.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answer Key Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 7

Pick A Project

Directions Say: You will choose one of these projects. Look at picture A. Think about this question: What would our class flag look like? If you choose Project A, you will design a flag. Look at picture B. Think about this question: How do you go? If you choose Project B, you will make a model. Look at picture C. Think about this question: How does an instrument make music? If you choose Project C, you will act out playing instruments and making music.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answer Key Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 8


Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answer Key Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 9
Directions Read the robot’s speech bubble to students. Generate Interest Ask students what they use to color pictures at home. Say: What colors would you use to color a dog? What colors would you never use? Have them draw their own dogs and color them in creative or unusual ways.

I can … model with moth to make equal groups lo solve a problem.

Lesson 5.1 Classify Objects into Categories

Solve & Share

Directions Say: Carlos’ kindergarten class ¡s having a pet fair. The pets need to be put into Iwo tents. One tent is for pets with q legs. The other tent is for pets that do NOT have q legs. Draw pictures of 5 pets. How many animals are in the q legs tent? How many animals are in the NOT q legs tent? Count the legs and talk about your pictures.

I can ………. classify objects into categories and tell why they are in each category.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answer Key Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 10

In the pet fair he want to classify the pets in 2 tents
one with 4 legs and the other with not 4 legs
classified accordingly

Visual Learning Bridge

Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answer Key Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 11

Guided Practice

Directions 1 Have students draw a circle around the animals that have feathers, and then mark an X on the animals that do NOT have feathers.

Question 1.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answer Key Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 12


peacock, bird, hen, and cock are having feathers
snakes and frog doesn’t have frogs

Directions 2 enVision® STEM Say: What can most animals with wings do? Have students draw a circle around the animals that have wings, and then mark an X on the animals that do NOT have wings. Have students: 3 draw a circle around the rabbits that are white, and then mark an X on the rabbits that are NOT white; 4 draw a circle around the cows that are brown, and then mark an X on the cows that are NOT brown; 5 draw a circle around the dogs that have spots, and then mark an X on the dogs that do NOT have spots.

Question 2.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answer Key Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 13

The animals can fly with the help of wings or feathers
wings gives the support to birds .
circled the animals which are having wings and crossed the animals which are not having wings.

Question 3.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answer Key Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 14

total rabbits are 8
2 rabbits white in color which are circled
6 are crossed which are brown in color.

Question 4.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answer Key Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 15

There  are 6 cows in total
3 are in brown which are circled
3 are crossed which are not in brown.

Question 5.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answer Key Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 16

number of dogs 9
4 are with dots and
5 are without dots

Independent Practice

Directions Have students: 6 draw a circle around the birds that are green, and then mark an X on the birds that are NOT green; 7 draw a circle around the animals that have tails, and then mark an X on the animals that do NOT have tails, 8 Higher Order Thinking Say: The animals have been classified into two categories. How were the animals classified? Have students draw a picture of an animal that belongs in each category.

Question 6.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answer Key Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 17

there are 9 birds in which 4 are green and circled
5 are crossed which are not in green.

Question 7.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answer Key Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 18

circled the animals which are having tails
and crossed the animals which are not having the tails

Question 8.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answer Key Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 19
Answer: They were classified as wild animals and pet animals and images are drawn
wolf is a wild animal where as cow is a pet

Lesson 5.2 Count the Number of Objects in Each Category

Solve & Share
Directions Say: Carlos goes outside and sees some creatures. How many creatures does he see on the ground? How many does he see that are NOT on the ground? Tell how you know you counted oil of the creatures.

I can …….. count how many objects are in different categories.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answer Key Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 20

Visual Learning Bridge

Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answer Key Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 21

Guided Practice

Directions 1 Hove students draw lines in the chart as they count the animals that ore in the pond and the animals that are NOT in the pond, and then write the numbers to tell how many in another chart.

Question 1.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answer Key Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 22

6 were in the pond and 5 are out of the pond

Directions 2 Vocabulary Have students draw lines in the chart as they count the animals that have 8 legs and the animals that do NOT have 8 legs, and then write the numbers to tell how many are in each category in another chart. 3 Have students draw lines in the chart as they count the birds that are in the trees and the birds that are NOT in the trees, and then write the numbers to tell how many are in each category in another chart.

Question 2.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answer Key Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 23

7 insects has 8 legs and 4 has different number of legs

Question 3.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answer Key Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 24

4 birds on the tree
3 birds are not there on the tree.

Independent Practice

Directions Have students: 4 draw lines in the chart as they count the ants that are red and the ants that are NOT red, and then write the numbers to tell how many in another chart; 5 draw lines in the chart as they count the bees that are on flowers and the bees that are NOT on flowers, and then write the numbers to tell how many in another chart. 6 Higher Order Thinking Say: These mice are sorted into two categories. How are the mice on the left different than the mice on the right? Have students draw a picture in the chart to show the categories, and then write the numbers to tell how many mice are in each category.

Question 4.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answer Key Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 25

7 ants are red in color
7 ants are not in red color

Question 5.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answer Key Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 26

6 bees are not on flower
2 bees are on the flower

Question 6
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answer Key Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 27

5 mice are in white color
4 mice are in brown and ash color

Lesson 5.3 Sort the Categories by Counting

Solve & Share
Directions Say: Carlos’s kindergarten class has a new playground area. Sort the new playground into toys that have wheels and toys that do NOT have wheels. Count the toys in each category. Write numbers to tell how many. Draw a circle around the category that is greater than the other category. Tell how you know.

I can … use counting to compare how many objects are in categories.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answer Key Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 28
The objects with wheels are 6
and the objects without wheels are 7
so, 7 is circled

Visual Learning Bridge

Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answer Key Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 29

Guided Practice

Directions 1 Have students sort the crayons into crayons that are blue and crayons that are NOT blue, count them, and then write numbers in the chart to tell how many. Have students draw a circle around the category that is less in number than the other category and tell how they know.

Question 1.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answer Key Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 30

Directions Have students: 2 sort the blocks into blocks that have letters and blocks that do NOT have letters, count them, and then write numbers in the chart to tell how many. Then have students draw a circle around the category that is greater in number than the other category and tell how they know; 3 sort the books into books that are open and books that are NOT open, count them, and then write numbers in the chart to tell how many. Then have students draw a circle around the category that is less in number than the other category and tell how they know.

Question 2.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answers Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 31

sorted the blocks into blocks that have letters and blocks that do NOT have letters, counted them, and then write numbers in the chart. Then students have drawn a circle around the category that is greater in number than the other category
number of blocks with A are 4 and number of blocks without A are 6

Question 3.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answers Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 32

sorted the books into books that are open and books that are NOT open, counted them, and then written numbers in the chart
and circled the highest number.

Independent Practice

Directions Have students: 4 sort the balls into balls that are yellow and balls that are NOT yellow, count them, and then write numbers in the chart to tell how many. Then have students draw a circle around the category that is greater in number than the other category and tell how they know; 5 sort the pencils into pencils that are short and pencils that are NOT short, count them, and then write numbers in the chart to tell how many. Then have students draw a circle around the category that is greater in number than the other category and tell how they know. 6 Higher Order Thinking Say: The fish are sorted into fish that have spots and fish that do NOT have spots. Have students draw fish so the categories have an equal number of fish, and then write the number of fish in each category. Ask: How do you know the categories have an equal number of fish?

Question 4.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answers Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 33

sorted the balls into balls that are yellow and balls that are NOT yellow, counted them, and then written numbers in the chart
and circled the highest number

Question 5.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answers Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 34


Sorted the pencils into pencils that are short and pencils that are NOT short, counted them, and then written numbers in the chart
and circled the highest number.

Question 6.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answers Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 35

The fish are sorted into fish that have spots and fish that do NOT have spots. students have drawn fish so the categories have an equal number of fish, and then written the number of fish in each category. black fishes are having spots and 3 same as green categories have an equal number of fish.

Lesson 5.4 Problem Solving

Critique Reasoning
Solve & Share

Directions Say: Carlos says that the number of blue cubes is equal to the number of cubes that are NOT blue. Does his answer make sense? Use numbers, pictures, or words to explain your answer.

I can ……….. tell whether the way objects have been sorted, counted, and compared makes sense. I can explain how I know.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answers Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 36

by using the numbers we have sorted
number of blues are 10 and number of not blues are 9
Visual Learning Bridge

Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answers Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 37

Guided Practice

Directions 1 Say: Gabbi says that the category of airplanes is greater in number than the category that is NOT airplanes. Does her answer make sense? Have students draw a circle around yes or no, and then use the sorting and counting of each category to explain their reasoning.

Question 1.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answers Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 38
The students have drawn circles around no

Independent Practice

Directions Have students listen to each problem, draw a circle around yes or no, and then use the sorting and counting of each category to explain their reasoning. 2 Damon says that he counted 8 yellow train cars and 6 train cars that are NOT yellow. Does his answer make sense? 3 Malinda says that the category of yellow train cars is less than the category of train cars that are NOT yellow. Does her answer make sense? 4 Aaron says that the category of red train cars is greater than the category of train cars that are NOT red. Does his answer make sense?

Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answers Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 39
Question 2.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answers Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 40

no Damon says that there are 8 yellow but there are only 6 yellow cars.

Question 3.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answers Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 41

yes, Malinda is correct.

Question 4.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answers Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 42

Aaron says correct number of reds are higher than the not reds.

Problem Solving

Performance Task
Directions Read the problem aloud. Then have students use multiple problem-solving methods to solve the problem. Say: Alex says that if there was I fewer orange ball, then the category of orange balls would be equal in number to the category of balls that are NOT orange. Does his answer make sense? 5 Reasoning Think about it. How many orange balls would there be if there were I fewer orange ball? Use numbers, tools, or draw a picture to show how many orange balls there would be. 6 Be Precise Is the number of orange balls equal to the number of balls that are NOT orange? 7 Critique Reasoning Use the sorting and counting of each category to explain your reasoning.

Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answers Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 43
what alex says is wrong because oranges more than the not oranges

alex says 1 fewer of oranges is equal to not oranges
he is not true
as 6 is greater than 5.

Topic 5 Vocabulary Review

Directions Understand Vocabulary Have students: 1 draw an animal that fits each category, and then tell how the groups are organized; 2 sort books into books that are open and books that are NOT open. Have them draw tally marks in the chart as they count, and then write the number in another chart.

Question 1.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answers Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 44

They are sorted according to 4 legs and not 4 legs.

Question 2.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answers Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 45

Books with open are 3 and books without open are 4.

Directions Understand Vocabulary Have students: 3 classify the dogs by drawing circles and marking Xs, and then explain how they organized them; 4 draw lines in the chart to show how many in each group, and then draw a circle around the group that is greater in number than the other group.

Question 3.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answers Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 46

Dogs are sorted according to dots and not having dots
having dots are circled and no t having dots are crossed.

Question 4.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answers Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 47

circled the highest one.

Topic 5 Reteaching

Directions Have students: 1 draw a circle around the animals that walk on 2 legs, and then mark an X on the animals that do NOT walk on 2 legs; 2 draw lines in the chart as they count the toys that are on the rug and the toys that are NOT on the rug. Then have them write the numbers to tell how many are in each group in another chart.

Set A

Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answers Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 48

Question 1.
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Circled which walk on 2 legs
and crossed which will not walk on 2 legs.

Set B

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Question 2.
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4 on the rug and 4 are not on the rug.

Directions 3 Have students sort the balls into balls that are white and balls that are NOT white, and then write numbers in the chart to tell how many. Then have students draw a circle around the group that is greater in number than the other group and tell how they know. 4 Say: Malik says that the group of airplanes is greater than the group that is NOT airplanes. Does his answer make sense? Have students draw a circle around yes or no, and then use the sorting and counting of each category to explain their reasoning.

Set C

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Question 3.
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11 is greater so circled.

Set D

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Question 4.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answers Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 55
Answer: No
Aero planes are 4 and boats are 5
so, what he is saying is not true.

Topic 5 Assessment Practice

Directions Have students: 1 A. draw lines ¡n the chart as they count the fish that are yellow and the fish that are NOT yellow; B. compare the number of fish that are yellow to the number of fish that are NOT yellow. Say: Draw a circle around the category that is less in numbers, 2 draw a circle around the animals that fly, and mark an X on the animals that do NOT fly. 3 A. Say: The animals have been classified into two categories. Mark all the animals that belong in the category of animals inside the circle. B. Then hove students compare the number of animals inside the circle with the number of animals outside the circle. Say: Which statement correctly describes the picture?

Question 1.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answers Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 56

drawn lines in the chart and circled the not yellow fishes because they are less in numbers.

Question 2.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answers Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 57

drawn circles among the birds which can fly
and crossed the animals which cannot fly

Question 3.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answers Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 58
A. The number outside is greater than the number inside.
B. The number inside is less than the number outside.
C. The number inside is equal to the number outside.
D. The number outside is less than the number inside.
Answer: D

Directions Have students: 4 draw lines in the chart as they count the buttons that are green and the buttons that are NOT green, and then write the numbers to tell how many in another chart; 5 sort the balls into balls that are tennis balls and balls that are NOT tennis balls, count them, and then write numbers in the chart to tell how many. Then have students draw a circle around the category that is less than the other category. 6 listen to the problem, draw a circle around yes or no, and then use numbers, pictures, or words to explain how they know whether the answer makes sense. Say: Dana says that the category of blue beads is greater than the category of beads that are NOT blue. Does her answer make sense?

Question 4.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answers Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 59

Drawn lines in the chart and 6 are green in color and 3 are not green in color.

Question 5.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answers Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 60

4 are tennis balls and 5 are not tennis balls and circled which are less

Question 6.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answers Topic 5 Classify and Count Data q 61

blue beads are 5 and pink beads are 7
blue beads are not greater than pink beads

Topic 5 Performance Task

Directions Works of Art Say: A kindergarten class uses paintbrushes and paint to draw pictures. Have students: 1 draw a circle around the little paintbrushes, and then mark an X over the paintbrushes that are NOT little; 2 draw lines in the first chart as they count the paintbrushes that are little and the paintbrushes that are NOT little. Then have them write the number to tell how many are in each group in the second chart, and draw a circle around the number of the group that is less than the number of the other group.

Question 1.
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drawn circles around little paint brushes and crossed among the bigger painting brushes

Question 2.
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Completed the chart and counted and written the numbers.

Directions 3 Have students show one way to organize the jars of paint they see on the page before, and then explain how they sorted them. 4 Say: Tina says that the number of small jars of paint is equal to the number of large jars of paint. Does her answer make sense? Have students look at the paint on the page before, draw a circle around yes or no, and then use the sorting and counting of each category to explain their reasoning.

Question 3.
sorted by the color
No , they didn’t sorted

Question 4.
Envision Math Common Core Grade K Answers Topic 5 Classify and Count Data 64
Answer: NO

Tina says that the number of small jars of paint is equal to the number of large jars of paint.No, her answer is wrong. No, the students have not  look at the paint on the page before.
Drawn circle among the no.

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