Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 4 Chapter 1

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value – Detailed Concepts

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts helps thousands of students to get excellent grades. Help your students keep up to do the math with the reference of Big Ideas 4th Grade Math Book Answer Key Chapter 1 Place Value. Students can effectively solve all problems and grab knowledge and skills by using the 4th standard Big Ideas Math Answer Key. Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts will give all that flexibility to build the confidence to do math in an easy way. It’s important to aware of the procedure of solving a problem more than finding the correct answer to improve the skills of your students.

Big Ideas Math Book 4th Grade Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts Answer Key

Help your students strengthen their knowledge by practicing all the Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts. All the questions and answers are explained with images, graphs for easy understanding of students. Do all the given activities and check your answers to test your knowledge. Students can easily promote to the next grade by practicing with the Big Ideas 4th Grade Answer Key.

Lesson 1: Understand Place Value

Lesson 2: Read and Write Multi-Digit Numbers

Lesson 3: Compare Multi-Digit Numbers

Lesson 4: Round Multi-Digit Numbers

Performance Task

Lesson 1.1 Understand Place Value

Explore and Grow

Model the number. Draw to show your model. Then write the value of each digit.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.1 1
Explanation: Every Digit in a number has a place value according to the position of a Digit. We define the place value of a digit by considering the Rightmost digit’s position as “1’s place.” After 1’s place, 10’s place, 100’s place, and so on.

Answer (i):
As per the Explanation,
The Position Value of ‘1’ is: 1000
The position value of ‘2’ is: 200
The position value of ‘7’ is: 70
The position value of ‘5’ is: 5

Answer (ii): As per Explanation,
The position value of ‘3’ is: 3000
The position value of ‘3’ is: 300
The position value of ‘3’ is: 30
The position value of ‘3’ is: 3

Repeated Reasoning
Compare the value of the tens digit to the value of the ones digit. Then do the same with the hundreds and tens digits, and the thousands and hundred’s digits. What do you notice?

Answer:  When we compare the ten’s digit to the value of one’s digit, we can notice that we got the 10’s digit by multiplying ’10’ to the 1’s digit. For comparison of 100’s and 1000’s digit also, we will get 100’s digit is “10 Times” of the 1000’s digit.

Think and Grow: Understand Place Value

A place value chart shows the value of each digit in a number.

The value of each place is 10 times the value of the place to the right.

The place value chart shows how the place values are grouped.

Each group is called a period. In a number, periods are separated by commas.

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.1 2

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.1 3

• The number, in standard form, is _______.

Answer: 2,75,449

Explanation: The Position of each digit is defined in a number according to place value and we can count “place-value” up to “lakhs ” starting from “1’s place” from the Rightmost position and count from thereon.

• The value of the digit 7 is 7 ten thousand or ______.

Answer: 70,000

Explanation: The Position of each digit is defined in a number according to place value and we can count “place-value” up to “lakhs ” starting from “1’s place” from the Rightmost position and count from thereon.

• The value of the digit 4 in the hundreds place is ______.

Answer: 400

Explanation: The Position of each digit is defined in a number according to place value and we can count “place-value” up to “lakhs ” starting from “1’s place” from the Rightmost position and count from thereon.

• The value of the digit 4 in the tens place is ______.

Answer: 40

Explanation: The Position of each digit is defined in a number according to place value and we can count “place-value” up to “lakhs ” starting from “1’s place” from the Rightmost position and count from thereon.

• The value of the digit 4 in the hundreds place is ______ times the value of the digit 4 in the tens place.

Answer: 10 Times

Explanation: We know the value of ‘4’ in 100’s place: 400

We know the value of ‘4’ in 10’s place: 40

So, we can get ‘400’ when we multiply ’40’ with its place value ’10’.

Show and Grow

Write the value of the underlined digit.

Question 1.


Answer: The place value of ‘5’ in ‘93,517’ is:  500

Explanation: The position of each digit in a number is defined and it is the value based on the position of the digit. So, the place value of ‘5’ in ‘93,517’ is:  500

Question 2.


Answer: The place value of ‘8’ in ‘6,85,26’ is :  80,000

Explanation: The position of each digit in a number is defined and it is the value based on the position of the digit. So, the  place value of ‘8’ in ‘6,85,26’ is :  80,000

Question 3.


Answer: The place value of ‘9’ in ‘359,842’ is:  9000

Explanation: The position of each digit in a number is defined and it is the value based on the position of the digit. So, the place value of ‘9’ in ‘359,842’ is:  9000

Question 4.


Answer: The place value of ‘4’ in ‘483,701’ is :  400,000

Explanation: The position of each digit in a number is defined and it is the value based on the position of the digit. So, the place value of ‘4’ in ‘483,701’ is :  400,000

Compare the values of the underlined digits.

Question 5.

20 and 200

Answer: The value of ‘2’ in ‘200’ is 10 times the value of ‘2’ in ’20’.

Explanation: The position value of 2 in 200: 200

The position value of 2 in 20: 20

As we notice, the value of 2 in 20 is “10 Times” of the value of 2 in 200.

Question 6.

1,000 and 100

Answer: The value of ‘1’ in ‘100’ is 10 times the value of ‘1’ in ‘1000’.

Explanation: The position value of 1 in 1000: 1000

The position value of 1 in 100: 100

As we notice, the value of 1 in 100 is “10 Times” of the value of 1 in 1000.

Apply and Grow: Practice

Write the value of the underlined digit.

Question 7.


Answer: The place value of ‘2’ in ‘45,802’ is :  2

Explanation: The position of each digit in a number is defined and it is the value based on the position of the digit. So, the place value of ‘2’ in ‘45,802’ is :  2

Question 8.


Answer: The place value of ‘7’ in ‘97,361’ is :  7000

Explanation: The position of each digit in a number is defined and it is the value based on the position of the digit. So, the place value of ‘7’ in ‘97,361’ is:  7000

Question 9.


Answer: The place value of ‘9’ in ‘168,392’ is:  90

Explanation: The position of each digit in a number is defined and it is the value based on the position of the digit. So, the place value of ‘9’ in ‘168,392’ is:  90

Question 10.


Answer: The place value of ‘8’ in ‘807,516’ is :  800,000

Explanation: The position of each digit in a number is defined and it is the value based on the position of the digit. So, the place value of ‘8’ in ‘807,516’ is :  800,000

Question 11.


Answer: The place value of ‘5’ in ‘400,532’ is :  500

Explanation: The position of each digit in a number is defined and it is the value based on the position of the digit. So, the place value of ‘5’ in ‘400,532’ is:  500

Question 12.


Answer: The place value of ‘4’ in ‘749,263’ is :  40,000

Explanation: The position of each digit in a number is defined and it is the value based on the position of the digit. So, the place value of ‘4’ in ‘749,263’ is :  40,000

Question 13.


Answer: The place value of ‘6’ in ‘619,457’ is :  600,000

Explanation: The position of each digit in a number is defined and it is the value based on the position of the digit. So, the place value of ‘6’ in ‘619,457’ is :  600,000

Question 14.


Answer: The place value of ‘1’ in ‘301,882’ is :  1,000

Explanation: The position of each digit in a number is defined and it is the value based on the position of the digit. So, the place value of ‘1’ in ‘301,882’ is :  1,000

Compare the values of the underlined digits.

Question 15.

4 and 47

Answer: The value of 4 in 47 is 10 times the value of 4 in 4.

Explanation: The position value of 4 in 47 is: 40

The position value of 4 in 4: 4

As we notice, the value of 4 in 47 is “10 Times” of the value of 4 in 4.

Question 16.

35,649 and 23,799

Answer: The value of 3 in 35,649 is 10 times the value of 3 in 23,799.

Explanation: The position value of 3 in 35,649 is: 30,000

The position value of 3 in 23,799: 3,000

As we notice, the value of 3 in 35,649 is 10 times the value of 3 in 23,799.

Question 17.

Your friend is 9 years old. Your neighbor is 90 years old. Your neighbor is how many times as old as your friend?

Answer: Given that your friend is 9 years old and your neighbor is 90 years old. From these two, we can conclude that the neighbor is 10 times the age of your friend.

Question 18.


Is Newton correct? Explain.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.1 4


Question 19.


Explain the relationship between the place values when the same two digits are next to each other in a multi-digit number.

Answer: We know that the place value of a Digit is dependent on the Position of the Digit in a given number. Hence, even those are the same numbers or different numbers placed next to each other, the preceding digit is 10 times the value of the former number.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life


What is the value of the digit 3 in the distance around Saturn? in the distance around Jupiter? How do these values relate to each other?
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.1 5

Write each number in a place value chart.

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.1 6

Compare the values of the digit 3 in each number.

Answer: The value of ‘3’ in Jupiter: 30,000

The value of ‘3’ in Saturn: 300,000

So, we can say that the value of ‘3’ in Saturn is 10 times the value of 3 in Saturn.

Saturn: The value of the digit 3 is ______.

Answer: 300,000

Explanation: As we can see, the value of 3 in Saturn is: 300,000

Jupiter: The value of the digit 3 is ______.

Answer: 30,000

Explanation: As we can see, the value of 3 in Jupiter is: 30,000

The value of the digit 3 in the distance around Saturn is ______ times the value of the digit 3 in the distance around Jupiter.

Answer: 10 times

Explanation: The value of ‘3’ in Jupiter: 30,000

The value of ‘3’ in Saturn: 300,000

So, we can say that the value of ‘3’ in Saturn is 10 times the value of 3 in Saturn.

Show and Grow

Use the table above.

Question 20.

The distance around which planet has an 8 in the thousands place?

Answer: Venus

Explanation: From the Table above, we see that the distance around Venus has ‘8’ in 1000’s place.

Question 21.

Compare the value of the 8s in the distance around Saturn.

Answer: The value of 1st 8 in Saturn: 800

The value of 2nd 8 in Saturn: 80

Explanation: From the above values, we can say that the value of 1st 8 is 10 times the value of 2nd 8 in Saturn.

Question 22.

What is the value of the digit 4 in the distance around Earth? in the distance around Neptune? How do these values relate to each other?

Answer: The value of 4 on Earth is 10 times the value of 4 in Neptune.

Explanation: The value of 4 on Earth is: 40,000

The value of 4 in Neptune is: 4,000

By comparing these two values, we can conclude that the value of 4 on Earth is 10 times the value of  4 in Neptune.

Question 23.
Compare the values of the first digits in the distances around Earth and Jupiter. Explain how you can use the values to compare the sizes of these two planets.

The value of the 1st digit in Jupiter is 10 times the value of the 1st digit on Earth.

The value of 4 on Earth is: 40,000
The value of 4 in Jupiter is: 400,000
From these 2 values, we can conclude that the value of the 1st digit in Jupiter is 10 times the value of the 1st digit on Earth.

Understand Place Value Homework & Practice 1.1

Write the value of the underlined digit.

Question 1.


Answer: The place value of 4 in 79,043 is: 40

Explanation: The position of each digit in a number is defined and it is the value based on the position of the digit. So, the place value of 4 in 79,043 is: 40

Question 2.


Answer: The place value of 8 in 52,618 is: 8

Explanation: The position of each digit in a number is defined and it is the value based on the position of the digit. So, the place value of 8 in 52,618 is: 8

Question 3.


Answer: The place value of 9 in 379,021 is: 9000

Explanation: The position of each digit in a number is defined and it is the value based on the position of the digit. So, the place value of 9 in 379,021 is: 9000

Question 4.


Answer: The place value of 6 in 958,641 is: 600

Explanation: The position of each digit in a number is defined and it is the value based on the position of the digit. So, the place value of 6 in 958,641 is: 600

Question 5.


Answer: The place value of 2 in 203,557 is: 200,000

Explanation: The position of each digit in a number is defined and it is the value based on the position of the digit. So, the place value of 2 in 203,557 is: 200,000

Question 6.


Answer: The place value of 5 in 145,860 is: 5,000

Explanation: The position of each digit in a number is defined and it is the value based on the position of the digit. So, the place value of 5 in 145,860 is: 5,000

Question 7.


Answer: The place value of 3 in 497,384 is: 300

Explanation: The position of each digit in a number is defined and it is the value based on the position of the digit. So, the place value of 3 in 497,384 is: 300

Question 8.


Answer: The place value of 1 in 612,739 is: 10,000

Explanation: The position of each digit in a number is defined and it is the value based on the position of the digit. So, the place value of 1 in 612,739 is: 10,000

Compare the values of the underlined digits.

Question 9.

603 and 6,425

Answer: The value of 6 in 6,425 is 10 times the value of 6 in 603

Explanation: The value of 6 in 603 is: 600

The value of 6 in 6,425 is: 6,000

From these values, we can conclude that the value of 6 in 6,425 is 10 times the value of 6 in 603

Question 10.

930,157 and 89,216

Answer: The value of 9 in 930,157  is 100 times the value of 9 in 89,216

Explanation: The value of 9 in 930,157 is: 900,000

The value of 9 in 89,216 is: 9,000

From these values, we can conclude that the value of 9 in 930,157  is 100 times the value of 9 in 89,216.

Question 11.

A car can travel 50 miles per hour. A tsunami can travel 500 miles per hour. The tsunami is how many times faster than the car?

Answer: The Tsunami is 10 times faster than the car.

Explanation: Given that,

A car can travel 50 miles per hour

A tsunami can travel 500 miles per hour.

From these 2 values, we can conclude that the tsunami is 10 times faster than the car.

Question 12.

Number Sense

In the number 93,825, is the value in the ten thousand’s place 10 times the value in the thousands place? Explain.

Answer: Yes, the value in the ten thousand’s place is 10 times the value in the thousands place.

Explanation: The given number is 93,825.

But, we know how big is the number, the value in the ten thousand’s place is always 10 times the value in the thousands place.

Question 13.


Write the greatest number possible using each number card once. Then write the least six-digit number possible.

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.1 7

Answer: The Greatest 6-digit  number is: 986531

The least 6-digit number is: 135689

Explanation: Given digits are : 6 , 1 , 3 , 8 , 9 , 5

By using each digit only once,

The Greatest 6-digit  number is: 986531

The least 6-digit number is: 135689

Question 14.

Modeling Real Life

Use the table.

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.1 8

Question 14.

The height of which mountain has a 3 in the thousands place?

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.1 9

Answer: Mount Kinabalu

Explanation: From the given table, we can conclude that Mount Kinabalu has ‘3’ in the thousands place.

Question 15.

What is the value of the digit 5 in the height ht of K2? in the height of Mount Everest? How do these values relate to each other?

Answer: The value of the 5 in the height of K2 is: 50

The value of the 5 in the height of Mount. Everest is: 5


The value of 5 in K2 is 10 times the value of 5 in Mount. Everest

Explanation: From the given table, we can conclude that

The value of the 5 in the height of K2 is: 50

The value of the 5 in the height of Mount. Everest is: 5


The value of 5 in K2 is 10 times the value of 5 in Mount. Everest

Question 16.

The tallest mountain in the world is shown in the table. Which mountain is it?

Answer: Mount. Everest

Explanation: From the given table, the Tallest Mountain in the World is: Mount. Everest

Review & Refresh

Question 17.

Use the graph to answer the questions.

How many seconds did the Peach Street traffic light stay red?

How many more seconds did the Valley Road traffic light stays red than the Elm Street traffic light?


Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.1 10

Answer: The time which the Peach Street traffic light stays red is: 55 seconds

The time which the Valley road traffic light stays red than the Elm Street traffic light is: 15 seconds

Explanation: Let us  consider, Half circle= 5 seconds

From the given graph,

The time which the Peach Street traffic light stays red is: 55 seconds

The time which the valley road traffic light stays red is: 35 seconds

The time which the Elm Street traffic light stays red is: 20 seconds


The time which the Valley road traffic light stays red than the Elm Street traffic light is 15 seconds.

Lesson 1.2 Read and Write Multi-Digit Numbers

Explore and Grow

Model each number. Draw to show your models. Then write each number a different way.


Answer: Word Form: Two Thousand, One hundred eighty-six

Expanded Form: 2,000 + 100 + 80 + 6

Explanation: We can write the given number in 3 forms. They are:

A) Standard Form  B) Word Form  C) Expanded Form

Now, the Given number is 2,186 which is in Standard Form. So, we have to write the given number in the remaining 2 forms.

Five thousand, two hundred thirteen


Standard Form: 5,213


We can write the given number in 3 forms. They are:

A) Standard Form  B) Word Form  C) Expanded Form

Now, the Given number is 5,213 which is in Standard Form. So, we have to write the given number in the remaining 2 forms.

Expanded Form:

Answer: 5,000 + 200 + 10 + 3

Explanation: We can write the given number in 3 forms. They are:

A) Standard Form  B) Word Form  C) Expanded Form

Now, the Given number is Five thousand, two hundred thirteen which is in word Form. So, we have to write the given number in the remaining 2 forms.

3,000 + 600 + 90 + 4

Answer: Standard Form: 3,694

Explanation: Now, the Given number is 3,000 + 600 + 90 + 4 which is in Expanded Form. So, we have to write the given number in the remaining 2 forms.

Word Form:

Answer: Three thousand, Six hundred ninety- four

Explanation: We can write the given number in 3 forms. They are:

A) Standard Form  B) Word Form  C) Expanded Form

Now, the Given number is 3,000 + 600 + 90 + 4  which is in Expanded Form. So, we have to write the given number in the remaining 2 forms.


Model a different four-digit number. Write the number in many different ways as possible. Compare your work to your partner’s.

Answer: Consider a 4- digit number ” 9,836″

So, we can write “9,836” in:

Standard Form: 9,836

Word Form: Nine thousand, Eight hundred thirty-six

Expanded Form: 9,000 + 800 + 30 + 6

Explanation: We can write the given number in 3 forms. They are:

A) Standard Form  B) Word Form  C) Expanded Form

Now, the given number which is 9,836 is in Standard Form. So, we have to write the given number in the remaining 2 forms.

Think and Grow: Read and Write Multi-Digit Numbers


Write the number in standard form, word form, and expanded form.

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 5 Chapter 10 Divide Fractions 8

Standard form:

Answer: 427, 561

Explanation: We can write the given number in 3 forms. They are:

A) Standard Form  B) Word Form  C) Expanded Form

Now, the given number which is 427,561 is in Standard Form. So, we have to write the given number in the remaining 2 forms.

Word form:

Answer: Four hundred Twenty-seven thousand, five hundred sixty-one


We can write the given number in 3 forms. They are:

A) Standard Form  B) Word Form  C) Expanded Form

Now, the given number which is 427,561 is in Standard Form. So, we have to write the given number in the remaining 2 forms.

Expanded form: _____ + _______ + ______ + ______ + ______ + ______

Answer: 400,000 + 20,000 + 7,000 + 500 + 60 + 1


We can write the given number in 3 forms. They are:

A) Standard Form  B) Word Form  C) Expanded Form

Now, the given number which is 427,561 is in Standard Form. So, we have to write the given number in the remaining 2 forms.


Use the place value chart to write the number below in standard form and expanded form.

Big Ideas Math Answers 4th Grade Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.2 2
Standard form:

Word form: fifty-four thousand, two

Expanded form: ____ + ______ + ______

Answer: Standard Form: 54,002

Expanded Form: 50,000 + 4,000 + 0 + 0 +2


We can write the given number in 3 forms. They are:

A) Standard Form  B) Word Form  C) Expanded Form

Now, the given number which is fifty-four thousand, two is in Word Form. So, we have to write the given number in the remaining 2 forms.

Show and Grow

Write the number in two other forms.

Question 1. 1

Standard form:

Answer: 38,650


We can write the given number in 3 forms. They are:

A) Standard Form  B) Word Form  C) Expanded Form

Now, the given number which is 38,650 is in Standard Form. So, we have to write the given number in the remaining 2 forms.

Word form:

Answer: Thirty-eight thousand, six hundred and fifty


We can write the given number in 3 forms. They are:

A) Standard Form  B) Word Form  C) Expanded Form

Now, the given number which is 38,650 is in Standard Form. So, we have to write the given number in the remaining 2 forms.

Expanded form:
Answer: 30,000 + 8,000 + 600 + 50 + 0


We can write the given number in 3 forms. They are:

A) Standard Form  B) Word Form  C) Expanded Form

Now, the given number which is 38,650 is in Standard Form. So, we have to write the given number in the remaining 2 forms.

Question 2.

Standard form:

Answer: 105,098


We can write the given number in 3 forms. They are:

A) Standard Form  B) Word Form  C) Expanded Form

Now, the given number which is 105,098 is in Standard Form. So, we have to write the given number in the remaining 2 forms.

Word form: one hundred five thousand, ninety-eight


We can write the given number in 3 forms. They are:

A) Standard Form  B) Word Form  C) Expanded Form

Now, the given number which is 105,098 is in Standard Form. So, we have to write the given number in the remaining 2 forms.

Expanded form:

Answer: 100,000 + 0 + 5,000 + 0 + 90 + 8


We can write the given number in 3 forms. They are:

A) Standard Form  B) Word Form  C) Expanded Form

Now, the given number which is 105,098 is in Standard Form. So, we have to write the given number in the remaining 2 forms.

Apply and Grow: Practice

Write the number in two other forms.

Question 3.

Standard form:

Answer: 642,050


We can write the given number in 3 forms. They are:

A) Standard Form  B) Word Form  C) Expanded Form

Now, the given number which is 642,050 is in Standard Form. So, we have to write the given number in the remaining 2 forms.

Word form:

Answer: Six hundred forty- two thousand and fifty


We can write the given number in 3 forms. They are:

A) Standard Form  B) Word Form  C) Expanded Form

Now, the given number which is 642,050 is in Standard Form. So, we have to write the given number in the remaining 2 forms.

Expanded form:

Answer: 600,000 + 40,000 + 2,000 + 50


We can write the given number in 3 forms. They are:

A) Standard Form  B) Word Form  C) Expanded Form

Now, the given number which is 642,050 is in Standard Form. So, we have to write the given number in the remaining 2 forms.

Question 4.

Standard form:  134,078

Word form:

Answer: One hundred thirty-four thousand and seventy-eight


We can write the given number in 3 forms. They are:

A) Standard Form  B) Word Form  C) Expanded Form

Now, the given number which is 134,078 is in Standard Form. So, we have to write the given number in the remaining 2 forms.

Expanded form:

Answer:100,000 + 30,000 + 4,000 + 0 + 70 + 8


We can write the given number in 3 forms. They are:

A) Standard Form  B) Word Form  C) Expanded Form

Now, the given number which is 134,078 is in Standard Form. So, we have to write the given number in the remaining 2 forms.

Question 5.

Complete the table.

Big Ideas Math Answers 4th Grade Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.2 3


A) Given Word Form is: three thousand, four hundred ninety-seven

Standard Form: 3,497

Expanded Form: 3,000 + 400 + 90 + 7


We can write the given number in 3 forms. They are:

A) Standard Form  B) Word Form  C) Expanded Form

Now, the given number which is three thousand, four hundred ninety-seven is in Word Form. So, we have to write the given number in the remaining 2 forms.

B) Given Expanded Form is: 50,000 + 2,000 + 400 + 80

Standard Form: 52,480

Word Form: Fifty-two thousand four hundred eighty


We can write the given number in 3 forms. They are:

A) Standard Form  B) Word Form  C) Expanded Form

Now, the given number which is 50,000 + 2,000 + 400 + 80 is in Expanded Form. So, we have to write the given number in the remaining 2 forms.

C) Given Standard Form is:  610,010

Word Form: Six hundred ten thousand, ten

Expanded Form: 600,000 + 10,000 + 0 + 10 + 0


We can write the given number in 3 forms. They are:

A) Standard Form  B) Word Form  C) Expanded Form

Now, the given number which is 610,010 is in Standard Form. So, we have to write the given number in the remaining 2 forms.

Question 6.


The fangtooth fish lives about 6,500 feet underwater. Newton reads this number as “six thousand five hundred.”Descartes reads the number as “sixty-five hundred.”Did they both read the number correctly? Explain.

Big Ideas Math Answers 4th Grade Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.2 4

Answer: Yes


The given number is “6,500”. Newton read it as “Six thousand five hundred” and Descartes read it as “Sixty-five hundred” because “One thousand is equal to 100 hundred”.

Question 7.

Which One Doesn’tBelong?

Which one not does belong with the other three?

eight hundred sixteen thousand, nine

800,000 + 10,000 + 6,000 + 900


Big Ideas Math Answers 4th Grade Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.2 5

Answer: The “Expanded Form” does not belong among the given three.


We can write any number in 3 Forms. They are;

A) Standard Form  B) Word Form  C) Expanded Form

Now, the given “period Table” can read as “816,009” and ‘9’ has the place-value of 1 but in the Expanded Form, ‘9’ has a place-value of 100.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life


Morse code is a code in which numbers and letters are represented by a series of dots and dashes. Use the table to write the number in standard form, word form, and expanded form.

Big Ideas Math Answers 4th Grade Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.2 6

Big Ideas Math Answers 4th Grade Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.2 7
Standard form:

Word form:

Expanded form:

Show and Grow

Question 8.

Use the table above to write the number in standard form, word form, and expanded form.

Big Ideas Math Answers 4th Grade Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.2 8

Question 9.

Use the number 20,000 + 9,000 + 400 + 50 to complete the check.

Big Ideas Math Answers 4th Grade Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.2 9


Standard Form: 29,450

Word Form: Twenty-nine thousand four hundred fifty


We can write any number in 3 Forms. They are;

A) Standard Form  B) Word Form  C) Expanded Form

Now, the given number is 20,000 + 9,000 + 400 + 50 which is in Expanded Form. So, we have to write the given number in the remaining 2 forms.

Read and Write Multi-Digit Numbers Homework & Practice 1.2

Write the number in two other forms.

Question 1.

Standard form:

Word form:

Expanded form: 500,000 + 40,000 + 3,000 + 200 + 90 + 8

Answer: Standard Form: 543,298

Word Form: Five hundred forty-three thousand, two hundred Ninety-eight


We can write any number in 3 Forms. They are;

A) Standard Form  B) Word Form  C) Expanded Form

Now, the given number is 500,000 + 40,000 + 3,000 + 200 + 90 + 8  which is in Expanded Form. So, we have to write the given number in the remaining 2 forms.

Question 2.

Standard form:

Word form: forty-eight thousand, six hundred three

Expanded form:

Answer: Standard Form: 48,603

Expanded Form: 40,000 + 8,000 + 600 + 0 + 3


We can write any number in 3 Forms. They are;

A) Standard Form  B) Word Form  C) Expanded Form

Now, the given number is forty-eight thousand, six hundred three which is in Word Form. So, we have to write the given number in the remaining 2 forms.

Question 3.

Complete the table.

Big Ideas Math Answers 4th Grade Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.2 10


A) 9,629

Word Form: Nine thousand, six hundred and twenty-nine

Expanded Form: 9,000 + 600 + 20 + 9


We can write any number in 3 Forms. They are;

A) Standard Form  B) Word Form  C) Expanded Form

Now, the given number is 9,629 which is in Standard Form. So, we have to write the given number in the remaining 2 forms.

B) 30,000 + 7,000 + 800 + 2

Standard Form: 37,802

Word Form: Thirty-seven thousand, Eight hundred two


We can write any number in 3 Forms. They are;

A) Standard Form  B) Word Form  C) Expanded Form

Now, the given number is 30,000 + 7,000 + 800 + 2 which is in Expanded Form. So, we have to write the given number in the remaining 2 forms.

C) four hundred sixteen thousand, eighty-seven

Standard Form: 416,087

Expanded Form: 400,000 + 16,000 + 0 + 80 + 7


We can write any number in 3 Forms. They are;

A) Standard Form  B) Word Form  C) Expanded Form

Now, the given number is four hundred sixteen thousand, eighty-seven which is in Word Form. So, we have to write the given number in the remaining 2 forms.

Question 4.


Your teacher asks the class to write forty-two thousand, ninety-three in standard form. Which student wrote the correct number? What mistake did the other student make?

Big Ideas Math Answers 4th Grade Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.2 11

Answer: Student B

Explanation: The teacher asked Student A and B to write “forty-two thousand, ninety-three” in Standard form. That means ‘9’ must be in the tens place. But, Student A put the ‘9’ in the hundreds place whereas Student B put the ‘9’ in the tens place.

Question 5.


The number has two periods. The thousands period is written as six hundred eight thousand in word form. The one period is written as 600 + 80 in expanded form. What is the number?

Answer: 608,680

Explanation: Given that the number has 2 periods. They are 1) The thousands period   2) The hundreds period

The given Thousands period is: Six hundred eight thousand ( Word Form)

The given Hundreds period is: 600 + 80 ( Expanded Form)

On combining the 2 periods, we get the number “608,680” in the Standard Form.

Question 6.

Modeling Real Life

Use the table to write the number in standard form, word form, and expanded form.

Big Ideas Math Answers 4th Grade Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.2 12

Big Ideas Math Answers 4th Grade Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.2 13


Question 7.

Modeling Real Life

Use the number 3,000 + 70 + 1 to complete the check.

Big Ideas Math Answers 4th Grade Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.2 14

Answer: Standard Form: 3,071

Word Form: Three thousand, Seventy-one


We can write any number in 3 Forms. They are;

A) Standard Form  B) Word Form  C) Expanded Form

Now, the given number is 3,000 + 70 + 1 which is in Expanded Form. So, we have to write the given number in the remaining 2 forms.

Review & Refresh


Question 8.

Big Ideas Math Answers 4th Grade Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.2 15

Answer: \(\frac{1}{6} \) is less than \(\frac{2}{6} \)


\(\frac{1}{6} \) = 0.1666

\(\frac{2}{6} \) = 0.333

Hence, \(\frac{1}{6} \) is less than \(\frac{2}{6} \)

Question 9.

Big Ideas Math Answers 4th Grade Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.2 16

Answer: \(\frac{2}{2} \) is greater than \(\frac{2}{3} \)


\(\frac{2}{2} \) = 1

\(\frac{2}{3} \) = 0.666

Hence, \(\frac{2}{2} \) is greater than \(\frac{2}{3} \)

Question 10.

Big Ideas Math Answers 4th Grade Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.2 17

Answer: \(\frac{1}{2} \) is less than \(\frac{3}{4} \)


\(\frac{1}{2} \) = 0.5

\(\frac{3}{4} \) = 0.75

Hence, \(\frac{1}{2} \) is less than \(\frac{3}{4} \)

Question 11.

Big Ideas Math Answers 4th Grade Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.2 18

Answer: \(\frac{1}{4} \) is equal to \(\frac{2}{8} \)


\(\frac{1}{4} \) = 0.25

\(\frac{2}{8} \) = 0.25

Hence, \(\frac{1}{4} \) is equal to \(\frac{2}{8} \)

Lesson 1.3 Compare Multi-Digit Numbers

Explore and Grow

Goal: Make the greatest number possible.

Draw a Number Card. Choose a place value for the digit. Write the digit in the place value chart. Continue until the place value chart is complete.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.3 1

Compare your number with your partner’s. Whose number is greater?

Answer: Let me consider my number as “A” and my partner number as “B”


A = 999999 and B = 999998

From  the 2 numbers, we can conclude that

A > B

Construct Arguments

Explain your strategy to your partner. Compare your strategies.


Think and Grow: Compare Multi-Digit Numbers


Compare 8,465 and 8,439.

Use a place value chart.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.3 2

Start at the left. Compare the digits in each place until the digits differ.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.3 3


Step 1: 8 thousand = 8 thousand

Step 2: 4 hundred = 4 hundred

Step 3: 6 tens > 3 tens


8,465 > 8,439


The given 2 numbers are 8,465 and 8,439

By comparing the 2 numbers, we can conclude that

8,465 > 8,439

Show and Grow

Write which place to use when comparing the numbers.

Question 1.



Answer: 2,423 is greater than 2,324


The given 2 numbers are 2,423 and 2,324

From these 2 numbers, we can conclude that 2,423 is greater than 2,324.

Question 2.



Answer: 9,631 is less than 9,637


The given 2 numbers are 9,631 and 9,637.

From these 2 numbers, we can conclude that 9,631 is less than 9,637

Question 3.



Answer: 15,728 is less than 16,728


The given 2 numbers are 15,728 and16,728.

From these 2 numbers, we can conclude that 15,728 is less than 16,728


Question 4.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.3 4

Answer: 5,049 is less than 5,082


The given 2 numbers are 5,049 and 5,082.

From these 2 numbers, we can conclude that5,049 is less than 5,082

Question 5.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.3 5

Answer: 735,283 is equal to 735,283


The given 2 numbers are 735,283 and 735,283.

From these 2 numbers, we can conclude that 735,283 is equal to 735,283

Question 6.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.3 6

Answer: 43,694 is greater than 3,694


The given 2 numbers are 43,694 and 3,694.

From these 2 numbers, we can conclude that 43,694 is greater than 3,694

Question 7.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.3 7

Answer: 88,195 is greater than 78,195


The given 2 numbers are88,195 and 78,195.

From these 2 numbers, we can conclude that 88,195 is greater than 78,195

Question 8.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.3 8

Answer: 6,480 is less than 6,508


The given 2 numbers are 6,480 and 6,508.

From these 2 numbers, we can conclude that 6,480 is less than 6,508

Question 9.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.3 9

Answer: 321,817 is greater than 312,827


The given 2 numbers are 321,817 and 312,827.

From these 2 numbers, we can conclude that 321,817 is greater than 312,827

Apply and Grow: Practice


Question 10.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.3 10
Answer: 6,052 is less than 6,520


The given 2 numbers are 6,052 and 6,520.

From these 2 numbers, we can conclude that 6,052 is less than 6,520

Question 11.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.3 11
Answer: 891,634 is greater than 871,634


The given 2 numbers are 891,634 and 871,634

From these 2 numbers, we can conclude that 891,634 is greater than 871,634

Question 12.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.3 12

Answer: 28,251 is greater than 26,660


The given 2 numbers are28,251 and 26,660

From these 2 numbers, we can conclude that 28,251 is greater than 26,660

Question 13.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.3 13
Answer: 324,581 is greater than 32,458


The given 2 numbers are 324,581 and 32,458

From these 2 numbers, we can conclude that 324,581 is greater than 32,458

Question 14.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.3 14
Answer: 230,611 is greater than 230,610


The given 2 numbers are 230,611 and 230,610

From these 2 numbers, we can conclude that 230,611 is greater than 230,610

Question 15.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.3 15
Answer: 909,900 is greater than 909,009


The given 2 numbers are 909,900 and 909,009

From these 2 numbers, we can conclude that 909,900 is greater than 909,009

Question 16.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.3 16
Answer: 7,134 is less than 7,634


The given Expanded Form is: 7,000 + 100 + 30 + 4 = 7,134

The given 2 numbers are 7,134 and 7,634

From these 2 numbers, we can conclude that 7,134 is less than 7,634

Question 17.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.3 17
Answer: 100,003 is greater than 10,003


The given Word Form is: ten thousand, three = 10,003

The given 2 numbers are 100,003 and 10,003

From these 2 numbers, we can conclude that 100,003 is greater than 10,003

Question 18.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.3 18
Answer: 16,409 is less than 16,490


The given word Form is: Sixteen thousand, four hundred nine = 16,409

The given 2 numbers are 16,409 and16,490

From these 2 numbers, we can conclude that 16,409 is less than 16,490

Question 19.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.3 19
Answer: 461,329 is equal to 461,329


The given Expanded Form is: 400,000 + 60,000 + 1,000 + 300 + 20 + 9 =461,329

The given 2 numbers are 461,329 and 461,329

From these 2 numbers, we can conclude that 461,329 is equal to 461,329

Question 20.

Two brands of televisions cost $1,598 and $1,998. Which is the lesser price?

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.3 20

Answer: The lesser price is: $1,598


The given costs of two brands of Television are $1,598 and $1,998

From the two costs of Television, we can conclude that the lesser price is: $1,598

Question 21.


Your friend says she can tell which sum is greater without adding the numbers. How can she tell?

34,593 + 6,781

34,593 + 6,609

Answer: 6,781 is greater tha 6,609


The given sums are:

34,593 + 6,781

34,593 + 6,609

From these two sums, we can see that 6,781 is greater tha 6,609

Question 22.

Number Sense

Write all of the digits that make the number greater than 23,489 and less than 26,472.


Answer: 3 and 4


The given numbers are: 23,489 and 26,472

The digits that make the number greater than 23,489 and less than 26,472 are: 3 and 4

Question 23.


Your friend says 38,675 is less than 9,100 because 3 is less than 9. Is your friend correct? Explain.

Answer: No


The given numbers are 38,675 and 9,100

In 38,675, the highest place-value is: 30,000

In 9,100, the highest place-value is: 9,000

From these, we can conclude that 38,675 is greater than 9,100

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life


Which playground costs the least?

Write each number in a place value chart.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.3 21

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.3 22


The playground which costs the least is: Green

Explanation: From the given table, we can conclude that “Green” has the least cost which is $35,872

Order the numbers from least to greatest.
_______, ______, _______

Answer: Green, Yellow, Blue


Compare the costs of 3 playgrounds

Green: $35,872    Yellow: $36,827  Blue: $36,927

From these costs, we can conclude that the order is: Green, Yellow, Blue

The ______ playground costs the least.

Answer: Green


Compare the costs of 3 playgrounds

Green: $35,872    Yellow: $36,827  Blue: $36,927

From these costs, we can conclude that the “Green Playground” has the least cost.

Show and Grow

Question 24.

Who received the highest score? Did anyone beat the high score?

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.3 23

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.3 24

Answer: You


The given high score is: 252,980

The score of You is: 254,020

From the given scores, we can conclude that “You” scored the highest score than the given high score.

Question 25.

Name two cities that have a greater population than St. Louis. Name two cities that do not have a greater population than Oakland.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.3 25


The two cities that have a greater population than St. Louis: Tulsa, OK; Cleveland, OH; Oakland, CA

The two cities that do not have a greater population than Oakland: St. Louis, MO; Anchorage, AK

Compare Multi-Digit Numbers Homework & Practice 1.3

Write which place to use when comparing the numbers

Question 1.



Answer: Ten thousand’s  place

Explanation: The given numbers are: 396,241 and 386,201

When we want to compare the numbers directly, compare Ten thousand’s place to get the answer.

Question 2.



Answer: Tens place

Explanation: The given numbers are: 50,718 and 50,798

When we want to compare the numbers directly, compare Tens place to get the answer.

Question 3.



Answer: Hundred thousand place

Explanation: The given numbers are: 159,624 and 459,623

When we want to compare the numbers directly, compare a Hundred thousand place to get the answer.


Question 4.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.3 26

Answer: 7,902 is less than 7,912


The given 2 numbers are 7,902 and 7,912

From these 2 numbers, we can conclude that 7,902 is less than 7,912

Question 5.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.3 27

Answer: 63,871 is less than 63,902


The given 2 numbers are63,871 and 63,902

From these 2 numbers, we can conclude that 63,871 is less than 63,902

Question 6.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.3 28

Answer: 839,304 is greater than 829,001


The given 2 numbers are 839,304 and 829,001

From these 2 numbers, we can conclude that 839,304 is greater than 829,001

Question 7.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.3 29

Answer: 48,931 is greater than 48,930


The given 2 numbers are 48,931 and 48,930

From these 2 numbers, we can conclude that 48,931 is greater than 48,930

Question 8.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.3 30

Answer: 5,739 is equal to 5,739


The given 2 numbers are 5,739 and 5,739

From these 2 numbers, we can conclude that5,739 is equal to 5,739

Question 9.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.3 31

Answer: 10,000 is less than 100,000


The given 2 numbers are 10,000 and 100,000

From these 2 numbers, we can conclude that 10,000 is less than 100,000


Question 10.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.3 32

Answer: 16,420 is greater than 16,402


The given Expanded Form is: 10,000 + 6,000 + 400 + 2 = 16,402

The given 2 numbers are 16,420 and 16,402

From these 2 numbers, we can conclude that 16,420 is greater than 16,402

Question 11.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.3 33

Answer: 14.000 is less than 114,000


The given Word Form is fourteen thousand = 14,000

The given 2 numbers are 14.000 and 114,000

From these 2 numbers, we can conclude that 14.000 is less than 114,000

Question 12.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.3 34

Answer: 800,095 is less than 800,695


The given Word Form is eight hundred thousand, ninety-five = 800,095

The given 2 numbers are 800,095 and 800,695

From these 2 numbers, we can conclude that 800,095 is less than 800,695

Question 13.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.3 35

Answer: 509,733 is equal to 509,733


The given Expanded Form is 500,000 + 9,000 + 700 + 30 + 3 = 509,733

The given 2 numbers are 509,733 and509,733

From these 2 numbers, we can conclude that 509,733 is equal to 509,733

Question 14.

Two different laptops cost $1,050 and$1,150. Which is the lesser price?

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.3 36

Answer: $1,050 is the lesser price.


The cost of two different Laptops are: $1,050 and $1,150

When compare $1,050 and $1,150, we can conclude that $1,050 is the lesser price.

Question 15.


If the leftmost digits of two multi-digit numbers are 6and 9, can you tell which number is greater? Explain.

Answer: 9 is a greater number


The given leftmost digits of two numbers are 6 and 9.

When we compare 6 and 9, we can conclude that 9 is the greater number.

Question 16.


Explain why you start comparing digits on the left when comparing multi-digit numbers.

Answer: When we compare multi-digit numbers, we start comparing digits on the leftmost side because those numbers’ positions have the highest place-value.

Question 17.

Modeling Real Life

Use the table to answer the questions.

Name two museums that had a yearly attendance greater than Children’sMuseum of Denver. Name two museums

that had a yearly attendance less than Discovery Place.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.3 37


The museums that had a yearly attendance greater than the Children’s Museum of Denver are:

A) Boston Children’s Museum  B) Children’s Museum of Houston  C) Discovery palace  D) Exploratorium

The museums that had a yearly attendance less than Discovery Place are:

A) Boston Children’s Museum  B) Children’s Museum of Denver  C) Please Touch Museum

Review & Refresh


Question 18.


Nearest ten: _____

Nearest hundred: _____

Answer: 50, 600


The given number is: 654

When we round off the tens place, the nearest ten is: 50

When we round off the hundreds place, the nearest hundred is: 600

Question 19.


Nearest ten: _____

Nearest hundred: ______

Answer: 0, 700


The given number is: 709

When we round off the tens place, the nearest ten is: 0 ( Since the tens place is 0)

When we round off the hundreds place, the nearest hundred is: 700

Question 20.


Nearest ten: _____

Nearest hundred: _______

Answer: 20, 0


The given number is: 25

When we round off the tens place, the nearest ten is: 20

When we round off the hundreds place, the nearest hundred is: 0 ( Since the hundreds place is 0)

Lesson 1.4 Round Multi-Digit Numbers

Explore and Grow

Write five numbers that round to 250 when rounded to the nearest ten.

Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.4 1

Answer: 210, 220, 230, 240, 250


The five numbers that round to 250 when rounded to the nearest ten are: 210, 220, 230, 240, 250


Write five numbers that round to 500 when rounded to the nearest hundred.

Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.4 2

Answer: 100, 200, 300, 400, 500


The five numbers that round to 500 when rounded to the nearest hundred are: 100, 200, 300, 400, 500

Repeated Reasoning

Explain your strategy. Then explain how you could use the strategy to round a four-digit number to the nearest thousand.


Think and Grow: Round Multi-Digit Numbers

To round a number, find the multiple of 10, 100, 1,000, and so on, that is closest to the number. You can use a number line or place value to round numbers.


Use a number line to round 4,276 to the nearest thousand.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.4 3

4,276 is closer to 4,000 than it is to 5,000.

So, 4,276 rounded to the nearest thousand is _______.

Answer: 4,000

Explanation: The number 4276 can be round off to 4,000 when rounded to the nearest thousand.


Use place value to round 385,617 to the nearest ten thousand.

Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.4 4

So, 385,617 rounded to the nearest thousand is _______.

Answer: 390,000


The number 385,617 can be round off to 390,000 when rounded to the nearest thousand. ( Since the thousands position is greater than 5)

Show and Grow

Round the number to the place of the underlined digit.

Question 1.


Answer: 7000


The number 6,912 can be round off to 7,000 when rounded to the nearest thousand. ( Since the thousands position is greater than 5)

Question 2.


Answer: 43,000


The number 43,215 can be round off to 43,000 when rounded to the nearest thousand. ( Since the thousands position is less than 5)

Question 3.


Answer: 25,000


The number 25,883 can be round off to 25000 when rounded to the nearest thousand. ( Since the thousands position is less than 5)

Question 4.


Answer: 140,000


The number 148,796 can be round off to 140000 when rounded to the nearest thousand. ( Since the thousands position is less than 5)

Question 5.

Round 5,379 to the nearest thousand.

Answer: 5,000


The number 5,379 can be round off to 5,000 when rounded to the nearest thousand. ( Since the thousands position is equal to 5)

Question 6.

Round 70,628 to the nearest ten thousand.

Answer: 70,000


The number 70,628 can be round off to 70,000 when rounded to the nearest ten thousand.

Question 7.

Round 362,113 to the nearest hundred thousand.



The number 362,113 can be round off to 360000 when rounded to the nearest hundred thousand.

Question 8.

Round 982,638 to the nearest thousand.



The number 982,638 can be round off to 980,000 when rounded to the nearest thousand. ( Since the thousands position is less than 5)

Apply and Grow: Practice

Round the number to the place of the underlined digit.

Question 9.


Answer: 3,700


The number 3,641 can be round off to 3700 when rounded to the nearest hundred. ( Since the hundreds position is greater than 5)

Question 10.


Answer: 18,000


The number 17,139can be round off to 18000 when rounded to the nearest thousand. ( Since the thousands position is greater than 5)

Question 11.


Answer: 426,300


The number 426,384 can be round off to 426300 when rounded to the nearest hundred ( Since the hundreds position is greater than 5)

Question 12.


Answer: 542,000


The number 542,930 can be round off to 542,000 when rounded to the nearest thousand. ( Since the thousands position is greater than 5)

Round the number to the nearest thousand.

Question 13.


Answer: 9,000


The number 9,426 can be round off to 9000 when rounded to the nearest thousand.

Question 14.


Answer: 58,000


The number 57,496 can be round off to 58000 when rounded to the nearest thousand. ( Since the thousands position is greater than 5)

Question 15.


Answer: 360,000


The number 360,491 can be round off to 360000 when rounded to the nearest thousand.

Question 16.


Answer: 824,000


The number 824,137 can be round off to 824,000 when rounded to the nearest thousand. ( Since the thousands position is less than 5)

Round the number to the nearest hundred thousand.

Question 17.


Answer: 200,000


The number 226,568 can be round off to 200,000 when rounded to the nearest hundred thousand. ( Since the hundred thousand position is less than 5)

Question 18.


Answer: 400,000


The number 457,724 can be round off to 400,000 when rounded to the nearest hundred thousand. ( Since the hundred thousand  position is less than 5)

Question 19.


Answer: 100,000


The number 108,665 can be round off to 100,000 when rounded to the nearest hundred thousand. ( Since the hundred thousand  position is less than 5)

Question 20.



Question 21.

Number Sense

Write a five-digit number that has the digits 6, 0, 4, 2, and 8 and rounds to 70,000 when rounded to the nearest ten thousand.

Answer: 68,420


The given 5-digits are: 6, 0, 4, 2 and 8

The 5-git number which can be formed by using the given 5 digits are 68,420 and 68,420 can be round off to 70,000 when rounded to the nearest ten thousand.

Question 22.

Number Sense

When finding the United States census, should you round or find an exact answer? Explain.


Question 23.


A lightning strike can reach a temperature of about 54,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Write four possible temperatures for a lightning strike.


Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life


When the results are rounded to the nearest ten thousand, which token received about 160,000 votes?

Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.4 5


When the results are rounded to the nearest ten thousand, the tokens which received 1,60,000 votes are:

A) Race Car  B) Rubber Duck

Round each number to the nearest ten thousand.

Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.4 6


A) 134,704 : 130,000  B) 154,165 : 150,000  C) 207,954 : 208,000  D) 212,476 : 212,000

E) 167,582 : 170,000  F) 146,661 : 150,000  G) 165,083 : 170,000 H) 160,485 : 160,000

So, the _______ received about 160,000 votes.


A) Race Car  B) Rubber Duck

Show and Grow

Use the table above.

Question 24.

When the results are rounded to the nearest ten thousand, which tokens received about 150,000 votes?


A) Cat  B)  Penguin


From the above table, we can conclude that Cat and the Penguin have 160,000 votes when rounded to the nearest ten thousand.

Question 25.

When the results are rounded to the nearest hundred thousand, which tokens received about 100,000 votes?


A) Cat  B) Penguin


From the above table, we can conclude that Cat and the Penguin have 160,000 votes when rounded to the nearest hundred thousand

Question 26.


To which place should you round each number of votes so that you can order the numbers from greatest to least? Explain.


Question 27.
A car battery should be replaced when the odometer shows about 50,000 miles. None of the cars below have had a battery replacement. Which cars might need a new battery?
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.4 7
Answer: ODO


From the given Fig.,

we can conclude that ODO which has above 50,000 miles needs a battery replacement.

Round Multi-Digit Numbers Homework & Practice 1.4


Round the number to the place of the underlined digit.

Question 1.


Answer: 6,250


The given number is 6,251 and the underlined digit is 5.

Since the underlined digit is equal to 5, we can conclude that the given number can round off to 6,250

Question 2.


Answer: 9,000


The given number is 8,962 and the underlined digit is 8.

Since the underlined digit is greater than 5, we can conclude that the given number can round off to 9,000

Question 3.


Answer: 3,950


The given number is 3,951 and the underlined digit is 9.

we can conclude that the given number can round off to 3,950

Question 4.


Answer: 80,000


The given number is 79,064 and the underlined digit is 9.

Since the underlined digit is greater than 5, we can conclude that the given number can round off to 80,000

Question 5.


Answer: 43,000


The given number is 43,976 and the underlined digit is 3.

Since the underlined digit is greater than 5, we can conclude that the given number can round off to 43,000

Question 6.


Answer: 24,000


The given number is 24,680 and the underlined digit is 2.

Since the underlined digit is less than 5, we can conclude that the given number can round off to 24,000

Question 7.


Answer: 800,000


The given number is 726,174 and the underlined digit is 7.

Since the underlined digit is greater than 5, we can conclude that the given number can round off to 800,000

Question 8.


Answer: 140,000


The given number is 138,691 and the underlined digit is 8.

Since the underlined digit is greater than  5, we can conclude that the given number can round off to 140,000

Round the number to the nearest thousand.

Question 9.


Answer: 5,000


The given number is 5,517. Since the thousands position is equal to 5, we can round it off to 5,000

Question 10.


Answer: 70,000


The given number is 70,628. Since the thousands position is less than 5, we can round it off to 70,000

Round the number to the nearest ten thousand.

Question 11.


Answer: 110,000


The given number is 114,782. Since the ten thousand’s  position is less than 5, we can round it off to 110,000

Question 12.


Answer: 250,000


The given number is 253,490. Since the ten  thousand’s position is equal to 5, we can round it off to 250,000

Round the number to the nearest hundred thousand.

Question 13.


Answer: 700,000


The given number is 628,496. Since the hundred  thousand’s position is greater than 5, we can round it off to 700,000

Question 14.


Answer: 90,312


The given number is 90,312. There is no hundred thousand’s position in the given number. So, there is no effect on the given number.

Question 15.


Round * to the nearest thousand and to the nearest ten thousand.

Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.4 8

Nearest thousand: ______

Nearest ten thousand: ______

Answer: Nearest Thousand: 8000

Nearest ten thousand: 10,000


In the given fig., the * sign is present after 7,500.

From this, we can conclude that

Nearest Thousand: 8000

Nearest ten thousand: 10,000

Question 16.

Number Sense

Which numbers round to 300,000 when rounded to the nearest hundred thousand?

Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.4 9

Answer: 302,586


From the given fig., when we observe the positions of hundred’s  and ten thousand’s positions, it is clear that “302,586” can round off to 300,000

Question 17.

Number Sense

When discussing the price of a laptop, should you round to the nearest thousand or the nearest ten? Explain.

Answer: When you are discussing the price of a laptop, you should round off to the nearest thousand instead of the nearest ten.

Example: Suppose you want to buy a laptop that costs $152,236. When the dealer told you the price of a laptop, you will ask to round off the price of the laptop so that it will be easier for you to buy that laptop.

Question 18.


Your friend says 5,953 rounds to 5,053 when rounded to the nearest hundred. Is your friend correct? Explain.

Answer: Wrong


The given number is 5,953. When rounded off to the nearest hundred, the given number becomes 6,000 since the hundreds position is greater than 5.

Question 19.

Modeling Real Life

A glassblower is using a furnace to melt glass. When the furnace reaches about 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit, when

rounded to the nearest hundred, she can put the glass in. At which temperatures could she put the glass into the


Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.4 10

Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.4 11
Answer: 1925


Given that the furnace reached 2000 degrees Fahrenheit when rounded off to the nearest hundred.

So, the given options are: A) 2005   B) 1899  C) 1925  D) 275  E) 1002

From the given options, it is clear that 1925 degrees can round off to 2000 degrees.

Note: The option 2005 degrees can’t become the answer because when rounding off to the nearest number, the number should be less than the desired number.

Review & Refresh

Find the perimeter of the polygon.

Question 20.

Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.4 12

Perimeter: _____

Answer: 23 in.


The “Perimeter” is defined as the total length of the geometrical figure covered on all sides.

So, the perimeter of the Polygon can be calculated as :

10 in. + 4 in. + 6 in. + 3 in. = 23 in.

Question 21.

Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.4 13

Perimeter: _____

Answer: 26 m


The “Perimeter” is defined as the total length of the geometrical figure covered on all sides.

In a Parallelogram, the parallel sides are equal.

So, the length of all the sides of a parallelogram is: 8 m, 8 m, 5 m, 5 m


The perimeter of the parallelogram can be calculated as:

8 m + 8 m + 5 m + 5 m = 26 m

Question 22

Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1.4 14

Perimeter: ______

Answer: 28 ft


The “Perimeter” is defined as the total length of the geometrical figure covered on all sides.

In a Square, the length of all the sides is equal. So, even in the fig., the length of 1 side is given, we can take it as the length of each of the remaining sides.

So, the perimeter of the square can be calculated as:

7 ft + 7 ft + 7ft + 7 ft = 28 ft.

Place Value Concepts Performance Task

You hike from Point A through Point F along the orange path shown on the map.

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 1

Question 1.

What is the distance in elevation between each contour line?

Answer: 100 ft.


When we observe the Contour lines from 2000 ft. to 3000 ft., we can conclude that each Contour line can represent 100 ft.

Question 2.

As you walk from A to C, are you walking uphill or downhill? Explain.

Answer: Downhill

Explanation: When we observe the orange path in the given Contour lines, we can conclude that from A to C, you are going downhill.

Question 3.

Which letter represents the highest point? Estimate the height.

Answer: C


If we observe the Orange path, then we can see that Point C represents the highest point.

Question 4.

A water station has an elevation of 2,763 feet. Which letter represents the location of the water station?

Answer: Point B


From the Orange path, we can see that between 2,500 ft and 3,000 ft., Point is present which can represent the location of the water Station that has an elevation of 2,763 feet.

Question 5.

You take a break when you are at two thousand eighty feet. At which letter do you take a break?

Answer: Point A


Point A is present after 2,000 ft which is the nearest to 2,080 ft. So, Point A takes a break here.

Question 6.

About how much higher do you think Point C is than Point D? Explain.


Place Value Concepts Activity

Place Value Plug-In


1.Players take turns.

2.On your turn, roll six dice.Arrange the dice into a six-digit number that matches one of the descriptions.

3.Write your number on the lines.

4. The first player to complete all of the numbers wins!

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts 2

Place Value Concepts Chapter Practice

1.1 Understand Place Value

Write the value of the underlined digit.

Question 1.


Answer: 90


The position of each digit in a number is defined and it is the value based on the position of the digit. So, the place value of ‘9’ in 26,490’ is:  90

Question 2.


Answer: 50,000


The position of each digit in a number is defined and it is the value based on the position of the digit. So, the place value of ‘5’ in ‘57,811’ is:  50,000

Question 3.


Answer: 8,000


The position of each digit in a number is defined and it is the value based on the position of the digit. So, the place value of ‘8’ in ‘308,974’ is: 8,000

Question 4.


Answer: 700,000


The position of each digit in a number is defined and it is the value based on the position of the digit. So, the place value of ‘7’ in ‘748,612’ is: 700,000

Compare the values of the underlined digits

Question 5.

94 and 982

Answer: The value of  9 in 982 is 10 times the value of 9 in 94


The value of 9 in 982 is: 900

The value of 9 in 94 is: 90

From these values, we can conclude that the value of  9 in 982 is 10 times the value of 9 in 94

Question 6.

817,953 and 84, 006

Answer: The value of 8 in 817,953 is 10 times the value of 8 in 84,006


The value of 8 in 817,953 is:800,000

The value of 8 in 84,006 is:80,000

From these values, we can conclude that the value of 8 in 817,953 is 10 times the value of 8 in 84,006

1.2 Read and Write Multi-Digit Numbers

Question 7.

Complete the table.

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts chp 7


A)50,000 + 600 + 90 + 1

Word Form: Fifty thousand, Six hundred Ninety-one

Standard Form: 50,691


We can write any number in 3 Forms. They are;

A) Standard Form  B) Word Form  C) Expanded Form

Now, the given number is 50,000 + 600 + 90 + 1 which is in Expanded Form. So, we have to write the given number in the remaining 2 forms.

B) Seven hundred two thousand, five hundred

Standard Form:702,500

Expanded Form: 700,000 + 0 + 2,000 + 500 + 0 + 0


We can write any number in 3 Forms. They are;

A) Standard Form  B) Word Form  C) Expanded Form

Now, the given number is Seven hundred two thousand, five hundred which is in Word Form. So, we have to write the given number in the remaining 2 forms.

C) 993,004

Word Form: Nine hundred Ninety-three thousand, four

Expanded Form: 900,000 + 90,000 + 3,000 + 0 + 0 +4


We can write any number in 3 Forms. They are;

A) Standard Form  B) Word Form  C) Expanded Form

Now, the given number is 993,004 which is in Standard Form. So, we have to write the given number in the remaining 2 forms.

Question 8.

Modeling Real Life

Use the number 10,000 + 4,000 + 300 + 90 + 9 to complete the check.

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts chp 8


Word Form: Fourteen thousand, Three hundred Ninety-nine

Standard Form: 14,399


We can write any number in 3 Forms. They are;

A) Standard Form  B) Word Form  C) Expanded Form

Now, the given number is10,000 + 4,000 + 300 + 90 + 9 which is in Expanded Form. So, we have to write the given number in the remaining 2 forms.

1.3 Compare Multi-Digit Numbers

Write which place to use when comparing the numbers.

Question 9.



Answer: 46,027 is less than 46,029


The given 2 numbers are 46,027 and 46,029.

From these 2 numbers, we can conclude that 46,027 is less than 46,029

Question 10.



Answer: 548,003 is greater than 545,003


The given 2 numbers are 548,003 and 545,003.

From these 2 numbers, we can conclude that 548,003 is greater than 545,003

Question 11.



Answer: 619,925 is less than 630,982


The given 2 numbers are 619,925 and 630,982.

From these 2 numbers, we can conclude that 619,925 is less than 630,982


Question 12.

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts chp 12

Answer: 4,021 is less than 4,210


The given 2 numbers are 4,021 and 4,210.

From these 2 numbers, we can conclude that 4,021 is less than 4,210

Question 13.

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts chp 13

Answer: 78,614 is equal to 78,614


The given 2 numbers are 78,614 and 78,614.

From these 2 numbers, we can conclude that 78,614 is equal to 78,614

Question 14.

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts chp 14

Answer: 816,532 is greater than 816,332


The given 2 numbers are 816,532 and 816,332.

From these 2 numbers, we can conclude that 816,532 is greater than 816,332

Question 15.

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts chp 15

Answer: 55,002 is less than 65,002


The given 2 numbers are 55,002 and 65,002.

From these 2 numbers, we can conclude that 55,002 is less than 65,002

Question 16.

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts chp 16

Answer: 3,276 is greater than 3,275


The given 2 numbers are 3,276 and 3,275.

From these 2 numbers, we can conclude that 3,276 is greater than 3,275

Question 17.

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts chp 17

Answer: 45,713 is less than 457,130


The given 2 numbers are45,713 and 457,130.

From these 2 numbers, we can conclude that 45,713 is less than 457,130

Question 18.

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts chp 18

Answer: 569,021 is greater than 56,902


The given Expanded Form is: 50,000 + 6,000 + 900 + 2 =56,902

The given 2 numbers are569,021 and 56,902.

From these 2 numbers, we can conclude that 569,021 is greater than 56,902

Question 19.

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade 4 Chapter 1 Place Value Concepts chp 19

Answer: 37,000 is less than 307,000


The given Word Form is: Thirty – seven thousand = 37,000

The given 2 numbers are 37,000 and 307,000.

From these 2 numbers, we can conclude that37,000 is less than 307,000

Question 20.

Two different hot tubs cost $4,179 and $4,139. Which is the lesser price?

Answer: The lesser price is $4,139


The costs of two different hot tubs are: $4,179 and $4,139

On comparing the costs of two different hot tubs, we can conclude that the lesser price is $4,139

Question 21.

Number Sense

Write all of the digits that make the number greater than 47,068 and less than 47,468.?


Answer: 1, 2, 3


The digits that make the number greater than 47,068 and less than 47,468 are: 1, 2, 3

1.4 Round Multi-Digit Numbers

Round the number to the place of the underlined digit.

Question 22.


Answer: 8,610


The number 8,614 can be round off to 8,610 when rounded to the nearest ten. ( Since the tens position is less than 5)

Question 23.


Answer: 2,000


The number 2,725 can be round off to 2,000 when rounded to the nearest thousand. ( Since the thousands position is less than 5)

Question 24.


Answer: 27,700


The number 27,602 can be round off to 27,700 when rounded to the nearest hundred. ( Since the hundreds position is greater than 5)

Question 25.


Answer: 906,100


The number 906,154 can be round off to 906,100 when rounded to the nearest hundred. ( Since the hundreds position is less than 5)

Round the number to the nearest thousand.

Question 26.


Answer: 1,000


The number 1,358 can be round off to 1,000  when rounded to the nearest thousand. ( Since the thousands position is less than 5)

Question 27.


Answer: 58,000


The number 57,094 can be round off to 58,000 when rounded to the nearest thousand. ( Since the thousands position is greater than 5)

Round the number to the nearest ten thousand.

Question 28.


Answer: 431,000


The number 431,849 can be round off to 431,000  when rounded to the nearest ten thousand. ( Since the ten thousand’s  position is less than 5)

Question 29.


Answer: 70,000


The number 60,995 can be round off to 70,000 when rounded to the nearest ten thousand. ( Since the ten thousand’s position is greater than 5)

Final Words:

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