Practice with the help of enVision Math Common Core Kindergarten Answer Key Topic 13 Analyze, Compare, and Create Shapes regularly and improve your accuracy in solving questions.
enVision Math Common Core Grade K Answers Key Topic 13 Analyze, Compare, and Create Shapes
Essential Question:
How can solid figures be named, described, compared, and composed?
enVision STEM Project: How Do Objects Move? Directions Read the character speech bubbles to students. Find Out! Have students observe and describe how objects move using the terms roll, stack, and slide. Say: Objects move in different ways. Talk to your friends and relatives about everyday objects that are cones, cylinders, spheres, or cubes. Ask them how each one moves and whether they roll, stack, or slide. Journal: Make a Poster Have students make a poster that shows everyday objects that are cones, cylinders, spheres, and cubes, and then tell how each one moves.
When a force pushes or pulls the object, the object will move in the direction of the force. Then the force can make things move, change shape or change their speed. Some forces are direct and happen when two things touch (like a foot kicking a ball)
Objects move in different ways. The motion of an object might be circular, curved, back-and-forth so on.
The object which has a curved surface that is all circular objects can roll.
Examples:Â Ball, lemon, orange, apple, football, etc.
The object which has a flat surface can slide.
Example: Rubber, laptop, duster, book, plate, etc.
Review What You Know
Directions Have students: 1 draw a circle around the triangie; 2 draw a circle around the shapes that are the same shape. 3 draw a circle around the circle; 4 – 6 draw a circle around the square;
Question 1.
Question 2.
Question 3.
Question 4.
Question 5.
Question 6.
Pick a Project
Directions Say: You will choose one of these projects. Look at picture A. Think about this question: Have you eaten any circles or squares lately? If you choose Project A, you will make a kitchen shops poster. Look at picture B. Think about this question: Do you enjoy puppet shows? If you choose Project B, you will create a puppet show. Look at picture C. Think about this question: How would you describe the shapes in this quilt? If you choose Project C, you will design a patchwork quilt.
Project : A
Project : B
puppets are loved by young children for different reasons at different times in their lives. “Puppets have enduring appeal. Children can express these emotions too without upsetting anyone. Their puppet character is the one to feel these emotions. Playing with the emotions of the puppets helps to develop the characteristics of sympathy and empathy too. Children also experience this kind of expression when engaging in symbolic play. So in play schools puppet shows plays a vital role.
Materials required to play puppet show.
Paper ,glue, scissors, cardboards, markers etc.,
Use your scraps to make eyebrows, and lips.
Cut out lots of pieces. You can create lots of characters.
Use other paper with different colors and patterns to make clothing for your puppet.
Once the preparation is done with desired characters suitable for the story, by using our fingers, strings or holding sticks puppet show can be shown to the students.
Patch work quilt
The quilt consists of Triangle, Square and Circle all these are in one rectangular quilt

Math Modeling
Pieced Together
Directions Read the robot’s speech bubble to students. Generate Interest Ask students about their experience with shapes. Say: Can you use smaller rectangles to make a Targer one? Can you use triangles to make a rectangle? Give students a chance to practice making shapes out of smaller shapes.
I can … model with math using 2-D shapes to solve a problem.
Lesson 13.1 Analyze and Compare Two Dimensional (2-D) Shapes
Solve & Share
Directions Say: Emily wants to figure out which shapes are behind the door. The mystery shapes that are behind the door have only 4 vertices (corners). Use the shapes shown above the door to help you decide which shapes are behind the door. Draw the shapes that match the clue on the door. How many shapes did you draw? Write that number next to the door. Now mark an X on the shapes that are NOT behind the door. Count those shapes and write the number. Look at the two numbers you wrote. Circle the number that is greater than the other number. If the numbers are the same, circle both numbers. Name the shapes that are behind the door.
I can … analyze and compare 2-D shapes
Visual Learning Bridge
Guided Practice
Directions Have students listen to the clues, mark an X on the shapes that do NOT fit the clues, draw a circle around the shape that the clues describe, and then tell how the shapes they marked with an X are different from the shape they drew a circle around. 1 I have 4 sides. I do NOT have 4 sides that are the same length. What shape am I? 2 I do NOT have 4 sides. I do NOT have any vertices. What shape am I?
The shape which is marked with X is triangle as it has only 3 sides and 3 vertices.
The shape which is marked with circle is square and rectangle as they have 4 sides and 4 vertices.
The object with 4 sides is rectangle.
The object without 4 sides and vertices is circle.
Question 1.
Question 2.
Directions Have students listen to the clues, mark an X on the shapes that do NOT fit the clues, draw a circle around the shape that the clues describe, and then tell how the shapes they marked with an X are similar to the shape they drew a circle around. 3 Number Sense I am NOT round. I have less than 4 sides. What shape am I? 4 I am NOT a rectangle. I have o sides. What shape am I? 5 I have 4 vertices. I am a special kind of rectangle because all my sides are the same length. What shape am I?
The shape which is not round and less than 4 sides is triangle. So students can mark X
The shape which is not a rectangle and no sides is circle. So students can draw circle around the shape easily.
The shape with special kind of rectangle and 4 vertices of same length is square.
Question 3.
Question 4.
Question 5.
Independent Practice
Directions Have students listen to the clues, mark an X on the shapes that do NOT fit the clues, draw a circle around the shape that the clues describe, and then tell how the shapes they marked with an X are different from the shape they drew a circle around. 6 All of my sides are NOT the same length. I have 3 vertices. What shape am I? 7 I have 4 sides. I am the same shape as a classroom door. What shape am I? 8 Have students listen to the clues, and then draw the shape the clues describe: I have more than 3 sides. The number of vertices I have is less than 5. All of my sides are the same length. What shape am I? 9 Higher Order Thinking Have students draw a shape with 4 sides and 4 vertices that is NOT a square or rectangle, and then explain why it is not. 10 Higher Order Thinking Have students draw a circle around the rectangles. Have them color all the squares, and then explain how the shapes are both similar and different from one another.
Question 6.
The shape with 3 different sides and 3 vertices is triangle.
Question 7.
4 sides and same as the shape of class door is rectangle.
Question 8.
The shape which has more than 3 sides less than 5 vertices and all side sare of same length is square.
Question 9.
A shape with 4 sides and 4 vertices that is not a square or rectangle,
Question 10.
Lesson 13.2 Analyze and Compare Three Dimensional (3-D) Shapes
Solve & Share
Directions Say: Jackson wants to find a solid figure. The solid figure has more than one flat side and it rolls. Color the solid figures that match the description. Then count them. How many are there? How many shapes do you see in all?
I can…. analyze and compare 3-D shapes.
Visual Learning Bridge
Guided Practice
Directions Have students: 1 look at the stacked solid figures on the left, and then draw a circle around the other solid figures that stack; 2 look at the rolling solid figure on the left, and then draw a circle around the other solid figures that roll.
Question 1.
Question 2.
Directions Have students: 3 look at the sliding solid figure on the left, and then draw a circle around the other solid figures that slide; 4 look at the stacked solid figures on the left, and then draw a circle around the other solid figures that can stack on top of the cubes; 5 draw a circle around the solid figure that rolls and stacks; 6 draw a circle around the solid figures that slide and roll; 7 draw a circle around the solid figures that stack and slide. 8 en Vision® STEM Have students draw a circle around the solid figure that does NOT stack or slide. Then ask them what would cause a sphere to roll.
Question 3.
Question 4.
Question 5.
Question 6.
Question 7.
Question 8.
Independent Practice
Directions Have students: 9 look at the rolling object on the left, and then draw a circle around the other objects that roll; 10 look at the sliding object on the left, and then draw a circle around the other objects that slide. 11 Higher Order Thinking Have students draw 2 solid figures that can stack on each other. 12 Higher Order Thinking Have students draw a circle around the cube, and then explain why the other solid is NOT a cube.
Question 9.
Question 10.
Question 11.
Question 12.
Blue color solid figure is Cube, all side are of equal lengths and height is of same length, Red color solid figure is NOT Cube, because of the sides are of NOT same lengths
Lesson 13.3 Compare 2-D and 3-D Shapes
Solve & Share
Directions Say: Jackson needs to find a circle that is a flat surface of a solid figure. Which of these solids has a flat circle as part of the figure? Draw a circle around each solid figure that has a flat circle part. Mark an X on the solid figures that do NOT have a flat circle part. How many shapes in all are there on the page? How many shapes did you circle? Without counting, how many shapes have an X? Count the shapes with an X to check your answer.
I can… analyze and compare 2-D and 3-D shapes.
10 shapes in all are there on the page
5 shapes circled
5 shapes marked X
Visual Learning Bridge
Guided Practice
Directions Have students: 1 and 2 look at the shape on the left, and then draw a circle around the solid figures that have a flat surface with that shape.
Question 1.
Question 2.
Directions 3 Vocabulary Have students draw the flat surface of the solid figures that have circles around them. 4-6 Have students look at the shape on the left, and then draw a circle around the solid figures that have a flat surface with that shape.
Question 3.
Question 4.
Question 5.
Question 6.
Independent Practice
Directions Have students: 7 and 8 look at the shape on the left, and then draw a circle around the objects that have a flat surface with that shape. 9 Higher Order Thinking Have students look at the solid figures that have a circle around them, and then draw the shape of the flat surfaces of these solid figures.
Question 7.
Question 8.
Question 9.
Lesson 13.4 Problem Solving
Make Sense and Persevere
Solve & Share
Directions Say: Jackson wants to put flat shapes behind Door I and solid figures behind Door 2. Draw a line from each shape to the correct door to show how he should sort the shapes. Count all the shapes on the shelves. Then cover one door. Count the number of shapes that are behind the door you can see. Without counting tell how many shapes you think are behind the other door. Then count to check your answer.
I can … make sense of problems about shapes.
10 shapes on the shelves
5 the shapes behind door 1
5 the shapes behind door 2
Visual Learning Bridge
Guided Practice
Directions Have students listen to the clues, mark an X on the shapes that do NOT fit the clues, and then draw a circle around the shape that the clues describe. Have students name the shape, and then explain their answers. 1 I am a solid figure. I can roll. I have only a flat surface. What shape am I? Explain which clues helped you solve the mystery. 2 I am a solid figure. I can roll. I can also stack. What shape am I? Explain which clues helped you solve the mystery.
Question 1.
Question 2.
Independent Practice
Directions Have students listen to the clues, mark an X on the shapes that do NOT fit the clues, and then draw a circle around the shape that the clues describe. Have students name the shape, and then explain their answers. 3 I am a solid figure. I can stack and slide. I have 6 flat surfaces. What shape am I? 4 I am a solid figure. I can slide. I have only I flat surface. What shape am I? 5 I am a solid figure. I can roll. I do NOT have any flat surfaces. What shape am I? 6 I am a flat shape. I have 4 sides. All of my sides are the same length. What shape am I? 7 I am a flat shape. I do NOT have any straight sides. What shape am I? 8 lam a solid figure. I can roll. I have 2 flat surfaces. What shape am I?
Question 3.
Question 4.
Question 5.
Question 6.
Question 7.
Question 8.
Problem solving
Performance Task
Directions Read the problem to students. Then have them use multiple problem-solving methods to solve the problem. Have students look at the shape at the top of the page. Say: Emily’s teacher teaches the class a game. They have to give a classmate clues about the mystery shape. What clues can Emily give about this shape? 9 Make Sense What is the shape? What makes it special? 10 Be Precise What clues can you give about the shape? Think about how it looks, and whether or not it can roll, stock, or slide. 11 Explain What if your classmate gives you the wrong answer? Can you give more clues to help him or her?
9. Answer : Cylinder
10 . Answer : it is a solid figure with 2 flat surfaces up and down and it can roll. Water Bottle
11. Answer : it looks like coca cola tin cool drink tin shape
Lesson 13.5 Make 2-D Shapes from Other 2-D Shapes
Directions Say: Emily has 4 triangles. She thinks she can use them to make other 2-D shapes by matching the sides exactly AND by connecting the 4 triangle shapes by their sides only. Use 4 yellow triangles like the ones Emily is holding. Make as many different shapes as you can using all 4 triangles. As you make each shape, tell what shape you made or describe it and tell where the triangles are. Then draw all four triangles on your page to show your favorite shape.
I can … make 2-D shapes using other 2-D shapes.
Visual Learning Bridge
Guided Practice
Directions 1 Have students use the pattern block shown to cover the shape, draw the lines, and then write the number that tells how many pattern blocks to use.
Question 1.
Directions 2-3 Have students use the pattern block shown to cover the shape, draw the lines, and then write the number that tells how many pattern blocks to use. 4 Have students use the pattern blocks shown to create the fish, and then write the number that tells how many of each pattern block to use.
Question 2.
Question 3.
Question 4.
Independent Practice
Directions 5 and 6 Have students use the pattern block shown to cover the shape, draw the lines, and then write the number that tells how many pattern blocks to use. 7 and 8 Have students use the pattern block shown to create a 2-D shape, draw the shape, and then write the number of pattern blocks used. 9 Higher Order Thinking Have students use pattern blocks to create a picture, and then draw it in the space.
Question 5.
Question 6.
Question 7.
Question 8.
Question 9.
Lesson 13.6 Build 2-D Shapes
Solve & Share
Directions Say: Use yarn, string, or pipe cleaners to build a circle. Then use yarn, string, pipe cleaners, or straws to build a shape that is NOT a circle, and then tell what shape you built. Explain how the shapes you built are different from one another
I can …build 2-D shapes that match given attributes.
Visual Learning Bridge
Guided Practice
Directions Provide students with yarn, pipe cleaners, or straws to make each shape. Students should attach the shapes they make with materials to the page. Have students draw or build: 1 a square; 2 a shape that is NOT a square.
Question 1.
Question 2.
Directions Provide students with yarn, pipe cleaners, or straws to make each shape. Students should attach the shapes they make with materials to the page. Have students draw or build: 3 a rectangle; 4 a shape that is NOT a rectangle; 5 a triangle; 6 a shape that is NOT a triangle.
Question 3.
Question 4.
Question 5.
Question 6.
Independent Practice
Directions Have students: 7 draw a rectangle; 8 draw a triangle; 9 draw a square. 10 Higher Order Thinking Have students choose yarn, string, pipe cleaners, or straws to build a circle. Have them attach it to this page, and then explain why some materials are better than others for building circles.
Question 7.
Question 8.
Question 9.
Question 10.
Circle has no vertices or corners, for circle shape objects must have flexible material like pipe cleaners
Lesson 13.7 Build 3-D Shapes
Solve & Share
Directions Say: Jackson wants to build this building with solid figures. Which solid figures con he use? Tell how you know.
I can … use materials to build 3-D shapes.
Visual Learning Bridge
Guided Practice
Directions 1 and 2 have students use straws, clay, craft sticks, paper, or other materials to build the solid figure shown.
Question 1.
Question 2.
Directions Have students: 3 and 4 use tools to build the shape, and then draw a circle around the solid figures that build the shape; 5 and 6 use tools to find the shape the solid figures can build, and then draw a circle around the shape.
Question 3.
Question 4.
Question 5.
Question 6.
Independent Practice
Directions Have students: 7 use tools to find the shape the solid figures can build, and then draw a circle around the shapes; 8 use tools to build the shape, and then draw a circle around the solid figures that build the shape. 9 Higher Order Thinking Have students use straws, yarn, pipe cleaners, or other materials to build a solid figure that is NOT a cone. Say: Draw a sketch of the solid figure you made. 10 Higher Order Thinking Have students use straws, clay, craft sticks, paper, or other materials to build the shape shown.
Question 7.
Question 8.
Question 9.
Question 10.
Topic 13 Fluency Practice Activity
Find a Match
Directions 1 and 2 Have students find a partner. Have them point to a clue in the top row, and then solve the addition or subtraction problem in the clue. Then have them look at the clues in the bottom row to find o match, and then write the clue letter above the match. Have students find a match for every clue.
I can … add and subtract fluently within 5.
Topic 13 Vocabulary Review
Directions Understand Vocabulary Have students: 1 draw a circle around the solid figures that roll; 2 draw a circle around the solid figures that stack; 3 draw a circle around the solid figures that slide.
Question 1.
Question 2.
Question 3.
Topic 13 Reteaching
Directions Have students: 1 listen to the clues, mark an X on the shapes that do NOT fit the clues, draw a circle around the shape that the clues describe, and then tell how the shapes they marked with an X are similar to the shape they drew a circle around. I am NOT round. I have 4 sides. They are NOT all the same length; 2 draw a circle around the solid figure that does NOT stack and slide.
Set A
Question 1.
Set B
Question 2.
Directions Have students: 3 mark an X on the shapes that do NOT fit the clues, and then draw a circle around the shape the clues describe: I have no sides. I do NOT roll. Which shape am I? 4 draw or use yarn, pipe cleaners, or straws to make a triangle and a shape that is NOT a triangle, and then attach their shapes to this page.
Set C
Question 3.
Set D
Question 4.
Topic 13 Assessment Practice
Directions Have students mark the best answer. 1 Look at the shape on the left. Mark the two solid figures that have a flat surface with that same shape. 2 Which shape that was built using different materials or drawn matches the shape on the left? 3 Which shape can be built using the solid figures on the left?
Question 1.
Question 2.
Question 3.
Directions Have students: 4 look at the object on the left that slides, and then draw a circle around all of the other objects that slide; 5 listen to the clues, and then draw the shape that the clues describe. I have more than 1 flat surface. I can stack on top of another shape. I can roll. What solid figure am I?; 6 write the number that tells how many triangle pattern blocks can cover the shape; 7 listen to the clues, mark an X on the shapes that do NOT fit the clues, and then draw a circle around the shape that the clues describe. I am a flat shape. I have 4 straight sides. Two of my sides are shorter than the other 2 sides. What shape am I?
Question 4.
Question 5.
Question 6.
Question 7.
Topic 13 Performance Task
Directions Bria’s Bash Say: Bria has a party for her friends. These are some objects that are at her party. Have students: 1 draw a circle around the objects that can slide. Have them tell how the shapes of those objects are different from the shapes of the other objects. Then have students mark an X on the objects that are cylinders. 2 draw what one flat surface of a cylinder looks like, and then name that shape. 3 Say: Bria puts her party hat on top of a present. Have students draw a circle around the solid figures that could be used to build the same shape. If needed, have students use tools to help them.
Question 1.
Question 2.
Question 3.
Directions 4 Say: Bria makes a puzzle for her friends. She uses pattern blocks to make this spaceship. Show how Bria makes her puzzle. Have students use pattern blocks to cover, and then draw lines on the spaceship. Have them write the number that tells how many of each pattern block they used. 5 Say: Bria plays a game at her party. She gives her friends clues and has them tell her what object she is thinking about. Bria gives these clues: The object is NOT a solid shape. The object is NOT round. The object has 3 sides. Have students mark an X on each object that does NOT fit the clues, draw a circle around the object that Bria describes, and then name the shape of that object.
Question 4.
Question 5.